A child becomes eligible for the Early Years Entitlement in the term following their 3rd birthday.

For example if their birthday is in December they are eligible in January, if their birthday is in March they are eligible in April or if their birthday is in June they become eligible in September.

If you are uncertain about when your child is eligible for funding then please speak to Jessica Kendrick manager@freerangers.org.uk or more information can be found on the Banes website.

Please follow the link below for more info about 15 hours, 30 hours and tax free childcare:

At Free Rangers this is how we offer the Early Years Entitlement.

The funding is spread over the year. This option spreads 12 hours of funding over 50 weeks of the year that Free Rangers is open.

Spreading the 12 hours over the 50 weeks of the year equates to 600 hours per year. Thus there is a shortfall of 30 non funded hours as we can receive 570 hours maximum per child per annum. You can choose for your child/ren to remain at the nursery for the full 50 weeks and pay the 30 non funded hours as per our fee structure. If you do not need the additional few weeks above those being funded it is possible to withdraw your child from Free Rangers having given the appropriate notice period and thus will not be charged for the additional 30 non funded hours. This can be done in the last two and a half weeks in August.

Please note the Early Years Entitlement only covers hours attended for the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Additional charges will be made for any extras eg additional hours, snacks, meals, uniform and a green space charge.

If you have any further questions or need clarification of anything in relation to the EYE please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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