For the past few weeks you may have noticed that the Nest have been getting a bit festive, hanging paper chains from the ceilings, playing lots of festive music, Madi and Jade have been wearing very strange looking jumpers, and the Nest in general is covered in glitter or tinsel! Were not too sure why though, maybe somethings going to happen soon...
We thought we would take this oppurtunity to give you some clues, here are some pictures of what we've been getting up to for the past few weeks...
an you guess whats coming up?!
Thats right ITS CHRISTMAS! The babies have loved preparing themselves for Christmas this year... We've been dressing up as Father Christmas, getting creative and helping Jade and Madi make some Christmas themed sensory bottles, we've been helping decorate the Nest and turn it into a winter wonderland!
We've been making snowmen out of cotton wool, making lovely salt dough Christmas decorations for our Mummies and Daddies to hang them on our Christmas tree's at home.
he time is coming near where we say good bye to another group of Nest babies as they move on to the Warren, Madi and Jade wish them the best of luck! And of course their be popping down for plently of cuddles!
Madi, Jade and all the staff at Free Rangers wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!