The Free Rangers Toddle Waddle

On Wednesday we ventured along the cycle track in rain and wind in mass to raise money for Meningitis; saving lives, rebuilding futures. We invited our families and friends to join the fun, where we togged the children up in water-proofs and wellies to start the Waddle.  We had a number of volunteers who helped us, which we were very pleased to see so thank you! This allowed all of Free Rangers to venture out, leaving Valerie behind to man the fort and prepare our well-earned lunch! Firstly the Nest and Warren set off, closely followed behind by the Burrow and then last but not least the Den

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Big Ted Comes to Visit!

The team and children at Free Rangers celebrated Ted's Big Day Out on Friday 18th October 2013. We celebrated in style by wearing a hat or a wig and meeting Big Ted alongside the Heart FM Team. We enjoyed the afternoon with homemade Teddy Bear biscuits for our snacks as well as raising money which will be donated to Cancer Care at the Royal United Hospital.


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Three Counties Early Years NETwork & National Education Trust Programme

Back in November 2012 Free Rangers Nursery was made into a National Education Trust “Advocacy School” (Read this Blog Post for more info). As a result we are now involved in various training, CPD and Early Years NETwork programmes, and we would like to extend an invitation for local nursery owners, managers and practitioners to come be a part of the latest Three Counties Early Years NETwork programme. In March, a DfE sponsored training programme will begin based at 3 centres; one here in Somerset, one in Gloucestershire and one in the West Midlands. Please see the attached flyer for more detail. This programme of three sessions is fully funded by the Department for Education, so is completely free for you. Do take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

Click here for the Flyer (PDF)

The key aims are to enable participants to:

  • Evaluate the changing context for delivery in Children’s Centres and early years settings
  • Explore strategies for proactive service development and family engagement
  • Exchange best practice and learn from other leaders: the NETworks approach

This training has been delivered across the country, and we’ve had some excellent feedback:

“I’ve gone from overwhelming concern over the challenges I face to celebrating success, feeling good and energised to do more”

The course will run as follows:

  • Wednesday 6th March - Hill, Valley and Vale Children’s Centres c/o Park Infant School, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
  •  Tuesday 12th March - Free Rangers Forest School Nursery, Midsomer Norton, Somerset
  •  Tuesday 19th March - Hillfields Children’s Centre, Coventry, West Midlands

At present, there are places available, but act quickly so that you can take this opportunity to benefit from this free, high-quality CPD in your local area. If you would like to join, please contact Charlotte at Free Rangers Nursery at or call the nursery on 01761411328.

For further information, contact Lucy Sumner at NET

We look forward to welcoming you at Free Rangers Nursery!

Stay and Play @ Brokerswood

If you go down to the woods today........ Free Rangers is launching a "Stay & Play" Forest School programme at their new site, Brokerswood, near Frome. Our aim is to provide families with a feel of what Forest School is all about. We are running a free session on Wed 20th February from 9.30 - 12.30 for children aged 0 - 3 yrs. Refreshments will be provided.

Places are limited so please do email or telephone 01761 411328 to confirm your space.

So pull on your wellies and share some memorable outdoor experiences with your children!

The fire is on, who's up for a brew at Brokerswood?

The Kettles on at Brokers WoodThe outdoor learning area at Brokers, the fire is on, who's up for a brew? As the winter sun warmed us, we strolled around Brokerswood with All Hallows Preparatory School, discussing the bespoke outdoor learning opportunities we could offer their students. From sessions focused around the International Primary Curriculum to boarders' BBQs, we discussed it all. Exciting times ahead!

Flaming Brilliant!

What a fantastic evening we had at the Free Rangers Bonfire Night. The pumpkin competition was amazing – with the prize having to be split between all the competitors due to the high standard of all the entrants.

Ed’s fire was welcome warmth in what was a very chilly evening.

Well done to all the children in the Den who helped create the beautiful paper lantern, which remained alight all evening!

It is great fun inviting our families to celebrate with us at Free Rangers, something we like to do as often as we can. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one!


Welton Bio Blitz!

Free Rangers Forest School and Cam Valley Wildlife Grouppresent the first Welton Bio Blitz!

Come along for a Saturday of discovering the local wildlife with the experts!

Join local naturalists to learn about and identify the many species of flora and fauna we’ll encounter. We will be exploring the grounds around Freerangers Forest School, a bit of the Norton- Radstock Greenway and a stretch of Wellow Brook. Our base for the day will be Welton Manor Farm (Freerangers Forest School) where you can park your bike or car. Bring your own food and drink and suitable clothing and footwear.

Come along for a fun day for all the family!

For more information, contact Vince on 01761 417040  or download the pdf

Welton Manor Farm, Millards Hill, Midsomer Norton BA3 3BW 

The Big Dig

The Big Dig family morning was a great success. Holes for the poplar trees were dug, hundreds of bulbs were planted and a huge raised bed was weeded and dug over ready for Spring. Thank you for all your support.The Big Dig family morning was a great success. Holes for the poplar trees were dug, hundreds of bulbs were planted and a huge raised bed was weeded and dug over ready for Spring. Thank you for all your support.