This week’s group activity in the Burrow has been using scissors, the learning intention was to: learn how to hold our scissors and how to hold the paper. Some children’s concentration was really pushed to the limit whereas, others showed signs of having done it previously. When I asked some parents if they had used scissors at home, many parents would admit they didn’t allow their child to use scissors ‘just in case’. I know the thought of toddlers with scissors can be a very daunting, but when we gave our trust to the children using the scissors we were pleasantly surprised.
We believe that a child being able to have the power to use such as ‘grown up’ thing really makes them control what they do with the scissors, of course we had a few children who would not hold them properly but after a few goes they soon knew how to hold them.
So it’s time to pluck up the courage and give your little blossom a pair of scissors, they may surprise you with how well they can use them.