In the Warren snack time is an important part of our day, where we fill our tummies with a healthy treat. Snack time is also a time when we can learn lots of skills, hand and eye-coordination when feeding our self as well as being able to hold our cups steady when drinking from it.
At snack time we talk about different fruits and vegetables which in turn encourages speech and language development by giving the babies opporutnity to repeat the names of them and independently recognise the different types of fruits/vegtetables. We have two different fruits on offer and we encourage them to make a choice by pointing or naming the fruit of their choice. The babies have very good manners all of them either say or use the Makaton sign for “please” before receiving their fruit.
We encourage the Babies to try their fruit/vegetables prior to their carbohydrate; as part of a balanced diet.
Every part of your babies day is a learning experience; even snack time. To develop this learning experience further, we could develop colour recognition and encourage counting; representing a number with an object.
Louise Player