In the Burrow this week we continue to spend time together getting to know each other. Every day we sing songs, say rhymes and share stories. Learning names and recognising faces is very important giving each individual child their own identity. We like to do things as individuals, in small groups and as a whole group.
To help the children with group identity we like to use our ‘Scrunchy’. This is a simple circular piece of cotton covered elastic approximately 5 metres in length (large enough for 16 little Burrowers and their key workers to hold on to). By grasping on to the ‘Scrunchy’ children are encouraged to feel that they are included in the whole group activity even if they don’t actively participate at first.
They are building strength in their fingers as they use their hands to manipulate the ‘Scrunchy’. They are developing good listening skills as they follow instructions. They are being encouraged to collaborate with one another. They are extending their vocabulary as they learn new songs and rhymes. Their imaginations are being ignited as the scene is set for different stories and games. Most importantly all children are valued and appreciated for their individual efforts.
Take a fly on the wall look at just one of our ‘Scrunchy’ sessions that filled some minutes just before lunch one day…