The children in the Burrow have the opportunity to participate in Forest School sessions every week. Lauren is our Forest School enthusiast who plans our sessions. She is looking forward to taking on her Forest School training in September and has worked really hard with both adults and children in the Burrow to share her knowledge. She’ll be pleased to know that we are getting better at remembering our Forest School rules!
Earlier in the week it was time for Tiff and I to take a group of Burrowers on their Forest School session. After enjoying our healthy snack in the cabin we established where we were going to explore and play, remembering that:
- we mustn’t run off
- we must use our ‘looking eyes’ and 'listening ears’ and
- we must never to put anything in our mouths
Enthusiastically, everyone spread out in the designated space to play, investigate and have fun. Tiff and I noticed a Lords and Ladies plant (Arium Maculatum) under the apple tree. This plant has shiny arrow shaped leaves often with dark spots. Its fruit – a spike of orange berries – are toxic to humans. Have you ever seen this plant when you’ve been out walking? I called the children to meet me under the tree which they did with great speed (good’ listening ears’!) After showing them the toxic plant and explaining why they should never ever touch one the children dispersed and continued with their play.
After a while, Tiff and I noticed one of the children crouching down and saying ‘no, we mustn’t touch that one!’ Other children gathered to take a look. They had discovered another Lords and Ladies plant in the hedgerow. They continued their Forest School session hunting for more of the same plants, exclaiming loudly each time another was discovered (great ‘looking eyes’!) The children demonstrated focused learning through this activity:
Personal, Social and Emotional -
- Building self-esteem and confidence
- Having an awareness of health and safety issues
Communication and Language -
- Learning new vocabulary
- Sharing ideas
- Listening to instructions
Understanding of the World -
- Investigating and being curious about the flora and fauna in the woodland garden
- Using all their senses in a different environment
The most incredible thing is that these children are only two years old! I am learning something new about your wonderful children every day. Thank you for sharing them with me.