This week has been the first of the term, meaning new children in the Burrow and Warren children moving down into our room. The age difference has been noticeable, with these children not showing much attention span and easily being distracted!
We started off in the tree house this week for snack, we were going to sit in the paddock but there were too many wasps in the willow! We offered the children snack and we spoke about our forest school rules.
Once we had finished the routine bit of forest school it was time to talk about what we will be doing this week. I read the children a book about spells, how a frog wanted to be a handsome prince and kiss a beautiful princess. He cast a spell which made his dreams come true but it didn’t last.
The children and staff then headed down to where we will be making potions and spells, here I set out lots of pans, pots, spoons and spades etc. for the children to do what they would like whilst making spells! The activity tested the children’s imagination, fine motor skills and communication skills.
The children seemed to get stuck into the activity quickly but it didn’t last very long and they really needed the adult’s enthusiasm to keep going. I wanted to do an activity which the children could choose to do or step back and watch and I believe I achieved this.
Next week I will stick to water play as I feel the children enjoyed this.