Last Thursday we had a lovely treat from Emma Trantham (a mummy in the Burrow) who came into nursery to play us her flute!
Once we had said our hello song we beckoned to the Warren who were on their way that Emma had arrived. She came and sat down with the children and started to put her flute together; in which the children watched on in fascination. She tested a few notes to make sure everything was working and it was then time to start!
We were very lucky to have heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Sailor's Hornpipe, Old McDonald Had a Farm, Grand Old Duke of York, If You’re Happy and You Know It and Down in the Jungle which tied in beautifully with our Jungle Book this week! The children jumped up and were dancing as well as the adults.
Ending the session we all had a go on the flute, each child came up and sat with me whilst they blew into the instrument. It was very tricky but some of us managed to get a noise at least! .
A big thankyou to Emma for coming along, the children had lots of fun and you were amazing! If there’s any other parents that would like to come and share their musical talent we would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading,