This week we have been spending lots of time in our baby garden enjoying the mud. We have been exploring our mud kitchen using our fine motor skills, scooping up the mud and placing it into our bowls with both metal and wooden spoons to stir it around. Some of the children picked grass and sprinkled it into their mixtures. A handful of children roleplayed by pretending to eat their dinner.
This week we have been focusing on movement, and the effect our actions have on toys, such as pushing, pulling, throwing, rolling and spinning. We have been playing with different sized balls and pine cones, using them to throw, catch and roll. We provided the children with a ball run made out of crates and bamboo shoots. We talked to the children about the different sized balls and pine cones, and some were able to indicate when it was too big and unable to fit down the run, looking at different mathematical language. We have been using our fine motor skills to push our beautiful new windmills around, watching closely at the effect our actions have, causing spinning sails and swirling colours. Some of the children held the smaller windmills and used their mouths to blow to increase movement. A few of the children this week have enjoying pushing the walker around the garden, whilst others have been using both hands to pull the trolley behind them.
The bridge and slide have been a high interest this week, the children have been developing their physical development and learning how to manage their own risks. Allowing the children to access these low risk activities achieves positive boosts in their self-esteem and confidence.
It would be lovely to hear how you and your children get active at home! Feel free to comment!