Hello Free Rangers! My name is Pilar and I work in the den room of the nursery.
I have been working with children from the age of sixteen, sharing experiences, learning from them and guiding their learning. To further my career I achieved a degree in Early Childhood Education.
In 2015 I came to England from Spain to experience more childcare opportunities. The Free Rangers ethos and principles are just what I was looking for and I was thrilled to be offered a place here to experience all the opportunities the nursery has to offer and share my knowledge with the team. In my free time, I love sports, travelling, walking in the countryside and experiencing nature. I have a positive outlook, lots of energy and enjoy being creative.
I am so happy to be a part of Free Rangers team and look forward to sharing new experiences and encourage creativity with the children.
Favourite tree: Willow
Favourite season: Spring
Favourite forest animal: Horse