We have been busy in the Burrow this month. The children have been enjoying the following:
Construction with wooden bricks and Duplo and playing in the role play kitchen.
Messy play (Find out more here...)
Messy play; sand, rice, oats, cereals, pine cones, pasta, all in the messy play tray.
Play dough; cutters, rollers, pots, pans, scissors, sticks, straws, making shapes that look the same.
Painting; printing with vehicles and animals and collaboratively creating on large paper.
Painting with cotton buds, building our fine motor skills.
Painting with rollers, building our gross motor skills.
Painting with hands and feet, building on our creativity and sensory experiences.
Mark making with crayons and chalks, gaining confidence with communicating and explaining ourselves through marks.
Sticking collages using paper, glitter, fabrics and threads.
Planting and harvesting vegetables in the soil tray under the arch.
Water play, bathing and caring for babies, building levels of empathy.
Adult led activities.
During May our favourite books and songs have been:
The Very Busy Spider
Each Peach Pear Plum
The Burrow’s Good morning song which sounds like this,
“Good morning, good morning, good happy, happy, morning.
We come to nursery to work and play, lots of things to do all day.
Good morning, good morning, good happy, happy, day - hooray!!!!”
We also enjoy the
Hello song, which goes like this,
“Hello, hello, to, everyone x3,
It’s good to see you here - boom, boom!”
We have also been using a whiteboard to learn about the words ‘now’ and ‘next’ for Circle times, so children understand what is coming up next, so they can transition comfortably to different times and activities throughout the day.
We have also been:
Decorating old CDs to hang in the hazel house and in the Burrow
Forest school- 3Peaks Challenge! Find out more here...
Upcoming Events and themes for following month
As practitioners we’ll be continuing to watch children in their play and identify their schemas and building on our own observations, thanks to the course I have recently been on. Find out more here...
We would really like more photos for our family boards please, family members, holiday snaps, pets etc
Please also share your child’s ‘Wow’ moments with us, so that we can share them with the whole group and bolster self confidence and self esteem.
Burrow Parents Have Talent!
The Burrow would like to extend an invitation to share your skills with us all. Would anyone like to come in for about half an hour to play an instrument, do some dancing/yoga, sing with the children, show and talk about an unusual pet, tell us what they do, read stories or share other talents and interests?
Please let us know and we’ll arrange a suitable time.