It’s raining, it’s pouring, but the babies aren’t snoring!

This week in the Nest, we have been having lots of fun exploring messy play, much like our friends in the Warren. We made some gloop using corn flour and water and decided to add lemon flavouring and colour to make it appeal to more of the senses. We have also incorporated balls, bowls, cups and whisks to splash and given the children an opportunity to actually sit in bubbly, glittery water. Although young, the children in the Nest can still expect a certain level of independence. The children were given an independence of choice and encouraged to explore the water in whatever way they wished. Some children wanted to put their hands in it and splash about whereas others were more than happy to climb straight in and have more of a paddle. Others weren’t keen and simply dipped their fingers in to the water.

Experiencing water outdoors last week was easy and this consolidated our learning further by allowing the rain to splash on our faces and hands and enable us to marvel at the rainwater meandering through the farm.

If you’d like to explore this further at home, try making rainbow puddles. You can do this by adding food colouring, powder paint or normal paint to puddles and watch them mix together. You could also add washing up liquid and splash around to make bubbles too.

If you’d like any other ideas please don’t hesitate to ask us. We are more than happy to help.

Have fun splashing…
