This week in the Warren we have been using various parts of our bodies to explore messy play. We have explored shaving foam and tea grains. Children are constantly developing their need to explore and engage with their surroundings. Whilst playing with the shaving foam and the tea grains, they are using simple coordination between hands and fingers to lift.
Not all children are comfortable with certain textures and by encouraging them to explore the shaving foam, they are building their confidence and extending their boundaries in which they are comfortable.
A few children chose to smear the shaving foam all over themselves whereas others preferred to stand up to the table and put their hands in it then swirling them round in ways that leave marks.
This is a fun way to get involved at home and it’s no hassle. Instead of having shaving foam out on a table, why not put some water in the bottom of your bath and then spray shaving foam on top. This way they can sit in it if they wish; both the bath and the child can easily be washed.