Over the last couple of weeks in the Nest we have been encouraging the babies to practise feeding themselves using a spoon; trying to be independent.
We have been building on skills through different activities and play; such as modelling using the tea set, feeding teddies, then adding shaving foam and rice so the babies could scoop and mix. Mark making with chalk, helping with fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and using the whole hand grasp and building towers to support the babies’ stamina and muscle strength when holding and manoeuvring spoonful’s of food.
During lunch times we encourage the babies to feed themselves, we have been using the hand over hand technique and using two spoons so the babies can hold one. Sometimes the babies found it easier to use their hands and needed lots of praise and encouragement. All babies in the Nest are able to feed themselves finger foods but have enjoyed the opportunity to feed themselves with a spoon.
It has been mentioned by parents that this has already started to take place at home with the babies wanting more independence when feeding themselves, often making a mess and not always getting the food in their mouths.