Here in the Hive over the past two weeks we have been spending lots of time out in the garden accessing a range of activities.
We have been providing the children with a range of stimulating activities outdoors. We have been getting creative in the sand pit using both our hands and natural objects to mark make. We provided the children with a range of shells, pinecones and sticks. Some of the children preferred to use their hand to mark make in the sand rubbing them side to side in the tray. Others used their fingers to make circles and draw lines. Some of the children used the flat shells to scoop up the sand and then tipped it out of the shell.
As you may have seen Jade has been developing the mud kitchen area. Using the tyres to provide different levels of which she placed the sink and hob units on. Providing different levels to encourage different levels of physical development across the different age ranges. Sitting down, kneeling and encouraging standing. The children have been developing their gross motor skills by role playing mixing and scooping using the pots pans and utensils. Using different language such as “mix mix” “stir stir” and “yum yum”.
Forest school this week has been a sensory farm tray. We have provided a tough tray filled with hay and farm animals. The children enjoyed exploring the hay picking it up and feeling it. A lot of the children have been able to make the sounds of the different animals “moo moo” “baa baa” “neigh neigh” and “cluck cluck.” Some of the older children have been able to name the different names of the animals. A few of the children picked up the hay up and lifted it up to the animals faces and using language such as “yum yum” or “munch munch.”
We have been throwing and catching the balls in the ball pool. We have been climbing and diving into it too. We have also been jumping up and down on the big blue mat and soft play shapes.
The weather has started to become colder and wet, please can we remind you to provide suitable wet weather clothing for your children, so that they can continue to comfortably play outdoors.
Thanks for reading