We've been celebrating Halloween in the Burrow and here's a little of what we have been up to.
The week before last in our tough tray, we have been exploring lots of different natural objects, but we also had a little taste of Halloween. A lot of our natural bits and bobs are what the Burrowers collected when they were out on Forest School with Lauren. We've had pinecones, leaves, conkers, sticks, grass. However, Soraya added munchkins, no not pumpkins, munchkins. Munchkins are mini versions of pumpkins. They can come in different shapes and different colours. Take a look at the photos on this blog and you'll get to see.
So we had a little taste of Halloween exploring our munchkins however, we also had a little visit from Jayne, our chef, who brought us down a pumpkin and a pineapple. For those of you that are social media fans you may have seen Sainsbury's advertising carving different fruits and vegetables. So we thought we would jump on the bandwagon and give it ago with a pineapple.
We gathered the Burrowers around the table. At one end of the table we had Jayne carving a pumpkin and at the other end I carved a pineapple with some help from the Burrowers. We talked about the safety of using knives to carve and knowing that we have to be very careful. With my help, some of the Burrowers helped me carve the pineapple using a knife and what was even more exciting was that we got to eat the pineapple.
We also blew up some black and orange Halloween balloons, gathered some cobwebs and spiders, we hung shiny spirals that had a Halloween character on the bottom of the spiral - for example, ghosts, Frankenstein, bats and skeletons.
The Burrowers created their own spiders, bats and ghosts by using black and white paint, placing their hands in the paint and creating lots of handprints. The Burrowers chose some googly eyes, placed them on their creation, then told us what they had made, whether they were ghosts, bats or spiders.
We've been busy carving and decorating lots of pumpkins, with lots of glitter (of course!!), glue and paint and Paloma even liked one of our pumpkins so much, she used it in her "Day of the Dead" display. Day of the Dead or El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), is a Mexican celebration, it’s a day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those who have departed.
We've even created some spider webs, using lolly sticks. The Burrowers scooped up some PVA glue and drizzled the glue over some paper, we then shook some glitter on and ta-da, our spider webs were created!
Throughout the week we have seen many Burrowers dress up as well as sharing some of their accessories with their friends - well done Burrowers!!
Make sure you check out the photos above.
Thanks for reading,